Thursday 9 April 2020

Redundancy = Retirement ?

Good question!

It's one I've been wrestling with for quite a few months now. I was actually made redundant a fortnight ago yesterday...the 25th March. It was not unexpected, I'd seen it coming for at least 6 months. the "Lockdown" set in place (correctly of course) on the 23rd March was the final nail in an already ailing company.

I have been in continuous employment for 44 years 6 months, so have definitely done my "bit"! There is no doubt that I have felt more tired mentally, partially work based but also through losses of family. I have in the main enjoyed both companies I have worked for, the colleagues I have worked with have made going to work a pleasure. Indeed many have become firm friends.

I've been lucky with my health as well , only 1 days absence since 1977 (I had 3 weeks in plaster in late 1977 after a motorbike tumble). In many ways a charmed life so far especially considering some of the daft things (in hindsight) I've done over the years.

So here I am on the "scrapheap of life" ! 😃

I really don't see it like that at all, I have looked forward to having all my time "free"....and of course what happens...I'm confined to barracks by the "Lockdown". That's only short term of course, but a lot of the ideas and outdoor activities are on hold. They'll keep!!

I still haven't decided that I've definitely finished work for good, maybe an odd day or two a week  perhaps. I'm sure Winter will be more of a challenge, but I fully intend to have at least he Summer and early Autumn off.

As this is a particularly personal post and it seems all about ME..ME..ME! I'll end this on a positive note and admit to having a secret affair (well from the blog anyway) over the last 18 months with my new love...

...Miss Miata!
The above image taken this time last year in happier times.
We've had a ball! It's meant the motorbike has had a lot less use. Many of the trips I would have done on the motorbike as solo, are now shared with P who loves the "Red Car".
 I haven't featured any of these trips on the blog, but going forward I probably will.
Anyway, well done if you've read through my ramblings this far...
Tek Care and Stay Safe

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