Thursday 30 July 2020

A Few Wainwright 2000' Northern Fells

A mid afternoon start to avoid the crowds, this is my way of enjoying the Lakes....indeed it feels like stepping back 30 years! Long may the must be back for 5pm mentality continue. The other advantage is that the early starters have left and parking is generally easily found...this was the case at Bowscale as I left the car at 2.30 and set off up Mosedale.....

The tarmac miles passed quickly on the quiet road, the view ahead filled with Coomb.

One of the many cascades as I approached the end of  the public road.

Looking back down Mosedale

A pleasant walk along the Cumbria Way, to here at Wiley Gill. Great Calva looking no where near as steep as in reality the image flattening the slope I was to climb.
South from the Southern top of Great Calva. Thirlmere in the distance.

The summit of Great Calva again looking South.
I had dry feet up to this point....

I can't imagine the "path" down to the col below Knott ever dry's up.
An easy climb over grassy slopes soon meant I was here beside the cairn on Knott. Great Calva is the dark hill in the middle ground, the Coniston Fells in the far distance.

It was basically downhill to Great Scafell over very wet ground, just a short rise to the "summit".
My next two hills High Pike on the left and Carrock Fell on the right. There is a lot of rough ground in you take a direct...ish line!
A great view down into Roughton Gill as I made my way across to Great Lingy Hill.

Great Lingy Hill, suitably covered with heather. Recently promoted to 2000' status, it now has quite a path to the top...not a Wainwright 2000'er though!
Bowscale Fell, Bannerdale Crags and Blencathra all showing their softer side.

Easy going back on good paths, so I was soon on High Pike, just Carrock Fell (to the left of the trig) to summit. There was a chilly breeze blowing so I was pleased to drop back to Drygill Head.

My feet had almost dried out...they were soon wet again as I  walked along the broad ridge over Miton Hill and Round Knott. Here we look West to Skiddaw beynd the River Caldew.
I now wanted to follow a little used path down to Mungrisdale, one I'd never been on...hence the start where I did.
The path was there, but very feint and rough especially lower down, and there were gorse bushes to negotiate...I hate gorse bushes! There just remained a short walk back along the road to the car, a great round, very enjoyable.
Anyone wishing to see my route can find the Strava track here

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