Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Dusting Off the Deschutes Tarp

It's been a long while since I've done a solo backpack/wildcamp. In truth I've attempted to get out several times....even getting the tent/tarp pitched then turning tail and returning home! I've just not been "feeling it" together with a lack of self confidence. I can't explain what clicked to get me out last night, who knows!
I packed my gear on Monday evening and took it to work in the car...still not completely sure I'd carry it through.
Sorry for all the "I" in this post.....but this blog is mainly about "ME ME ME"! Anyway off I went and parked below Rydal Mount....
My proposed destination was Alcock Tarn or thereabouts, so off on the "Coffin" Route I strode

Its a popular path and justifiably so, great views down to Rydal Water and across to Loughrigg

The light was very flat, I didn't take many photos. I arrived at Alcock Tarn, this was as good as the sunset got.

I walked back a couple of hundred metres to Grey Crag to a good spot I'd seen earlier. I was a bit rusty at my campcraft...but got the Deschutes erected and stuff organised eventually.

After a bit of a broken nights sleep, I woke to my alarm at 5.30am hoping to see the sky a mass of colour as the sun rose....ah well...

As the sun gained a bit of height Silver How caught the first of the light beyond Grey Crag.

I packed up and started to descend back the same way I'd ascended the evening before.

Perhaps I should have waited a bit longer as the light was starting to improve. Grasmere was starting to wake up below me.

Wetherlam in the distance beyond "Red Bank"

Then it was back along the "Coffin"route to the car. Rydal Water looking it's picture postcard best.
I'd enjoyed the trip, sometimes hard to justify the effort....its camping for campings sake of course.
I'll be having another trip in the next few weeks I think.

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