Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Scout Scar.....and Leighton Moss!

An unexpected free morning.....where to go...Scout Scar! It's ages since I'd been up here even though I work within 3km of the summit! Nothing much has changed though, except perhaps the paths look more heavily used. I parked on the Brigsteer Road and headed North...

I hugged the scar edge, it was looking grim up in the Lakes

As I approached the highest part of the cliff these Scots Pines caught my eye...

Looking back towards a hazy Arnside Knott things looked a lot brighter.

I turned to head back at the viewpoint, known as the "Mushroom" by local folk.

Leaving the "Mushroom" behind I walked along the top of the scar calling at the trig point, before crossing Helsington Barrows back to the car.
I thought I'd take advantage of the better than forecast weather.....

.....and made a detour to Leighton Moss RSPB reserve. The only slightly unusual birds being this pair of Grebes.

The weather was deteriorating...thunder and lightning approaching. I quickly took this photo before the heavens opened. Just a couple of miles to home from here, it had been an easy day. Enjoyable though.  


  1. I had to laugh. Hundreds, yes hundreds of times I have driven passed Scout Scar and every time I say we must go up there. So, we must go up there.
    I didn’t know there was a large mushroom on top. All the more reason to go.
    Leighton Moss on the other hand has been visited a number of times and provided excellent walks.

    1. Hi Alan, if you have the time Alan park somewhere near SD506923 This makes you more central to include Cunswick Scar as well.

  2. Would it not be easier to park at the car park next to the mast on Underbarrow road. Or am I missing something. Cheers.

    1. Yep, you could park there walk North out onto Cunswick Scar, Southeasterly over the golf course into Kendal then out on the Brigsteer Road to do the Southerly loop on Scout Scar and back to the car.
      I try not to retrace my steps :-)...not always possible!
      Cheers Alistair
