Sunday 1 February 2015

Coniston Fells

Today's walk would follow the Swirl How- Coniston Old Man ridge. I would normally climb Wetherlam to start this round, but today I decided to gain the foot of Prison Band via Levers Water. It was a fantastic day, I added Dow Crag as I made good progress and found time for a detour on the way back. Lots of photo's, apologies in advance!!.....

Coppermines Valley

Levers Water from Kennel Crag

Coniston Old Man and Brim Fell from Kennel Crag

A very cold looking Levers Water

Looking back to Levers Water, Coniston Old Man in the background.

Helvellyn and Fairfield seen beyond Lingmoor Fell from Prison Band

Old footprints.....guess it's been windy!

The summit of Swirl How, Langdale Pikes in the middle distance

There wasn't much snow on the ridge as you can see!

The summit of Brim Fell 

Coniston Old Man trig point, looking back along the ridge I'd just walked

Dow Crag looking just great!

South  towards Walna scar from Dow Crag

Lots of ice rime all along the ridge.

Back to the summit rocks of Dow Crag, the Scafell group in the background.

Blind Tarn below Brown Pike

I walked back along the "improved" Walna Scar this the best that can be done? :-((

As I got back to the gate on the edge of the moor, I had time on my hands so walked back up the track to the old Mandalls Quarrys. Then turned down into Coppermines valley, thence down to the car in Coniston.
A great day, as usual the weather makes it!


  1. No need to apologise, the photos are fantastic.

    1. Thanks very much Peter, the weather/light is the key with any photography. Of course we're blessed with some fantastic scenery as well!
      Cheers Alistair

    2. What a fantastic day out Alistair. I'm so envious. No need to apologise about the photos they are stunning.

    3. It was a great day, I only really head to the Lakes fell tops these days when the weather/conditions are going to be good. I'll have done the Swirl How-Old Man ridge over 100 times, and this was as good a day as ever.
      any thanks for your kind comments :-)

  2. Cracking photos. It does seem we crossed paths on adjacent days. Your route was much further than mine though. I'd had enough of the wind after 2 fells !

    1. I was watching your progress on Social Hiking whilst at work!
      I decided on the low level ascent via Levers Water to keep out of the wind as long as poss :-)...It was really whistling across Prison Band tho as I ascended Swirl How mind!

  3. Great stuff. We've certainly had a cracking few days in the Lakes.


    1. Certainly have sadly I've been at work for most of them! I was up Penrith way today tho!
