Wednesday 3 March 2021

The Arnside Riviera

 On Sunday I walked the well worn route I've used on many occasions during the current bout of restrictions to Arnside. the forecast was spot on and I was treated to a wonderful early Spring day. I managed to miss the tidal bore, but walked the coast path to Far Arnside in the superb conditions. Hopefully the video will show just how great was.

A click here will open the video in a new window


  1. Great video and a lovely day. I did that walk a couple of years ago and enjoyed it immensely. The weather has been stunning. You’re getting the hang of the videoing now. Far better than me.

    1. It was a great day, it's a fair trek from home tho! I was surprised that it was quieter than on my previous visit.
      Tanks for the comment on the videoing, the sound is the difficult thing I find. I'm looking forward to filming some "higher" places in a few weeks.
