Wednesday 17 July 2019

Silver How Wildcamp

A great spell of weather just recently here in the Lakes. As Wednesday is one of my days off work I planned an overnight camp. Parking in Grasmere I decided to head up onto Silver How. Heading round the back of Allan Bank, then up by Wray Gill.....

Seat Sandal, Greenhead Gill and in the distance Fairfield from the track round Allan Bank

Across Wray Gill (normally a reliable source of water but last night only a trickle) to the Eastern Fells...Fairfield et al.

Just over half an hour to the top, I was rewarded with the view to Grasmere (not in this image) and Rydal Water.

Time was getting on, and after a chat with a guy who was also planning to camp (in my preferred spot no less!) it was time to find a likely pitch. In the near distance was where I ended up.

A last look down at the two lakes before I went off to pitch up.

I found a good pitch, soon had the tent up and the sac unpacked. Windermere in the distance.

Not so much unpacked as scattered to the four winds!
Wetherlam in the distance.

Nothing really sunset wise, but the sky o the North was rather good.
I turned in, and had a decent nights sleep.

Dawn didn't bring much in the way of a sunrise, again looking North there was a bit of colour in the sky.

I got packed up and walked back over the summit.
Here looking east, the other temporary residents tent on Silver How.
Then it was back to the car, descended the same way I'd ascended he evening before.
 Enjoyed this short trip! :-)

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