A really frosty morning, much better than the forecast and we left a car at Ingleton, before driving on to Clapham. We made good progress up the walled lane to Clapdale, where we struck up following tracks in the snow, thank goodness! The sun was warm, it contributed to the heat generated as we plodded through the all covering whiteness.
As arrived at Gaping Gill four cavers were setting off underground, Ingleborough seemed to tower above. Snow always appears to make mountains look higher. The path up onto Little Ingleborough was well compacted, so it was an excellent oppertunity to test my instep crampons. We stopped for lunch beside the large shelter on Little Ingleborough. The path onwards is level for about half a mile, as it steepened we turned left up towards a small outcrop which we scrambled up through the drifts to arrive on the summit plateau. It was busy near the cross wall shelter which we skirted to look down into Chapel-le-Dale. Following the edge anti clockwise to meet the Crina Bottom, we jogged down the path which was well banked up with snow we arrived at the farm. The snow thinned out a bit being replaced by lots of ice, half an hour or so and we were back at the car in Ingleton. A short drive over the old road past Newby Cote brought us back to Clapham.
The photograph is Ingleborough from Little Ingleborough.