Friday, 15 January 2016

High Dam, Finsthwaite

Its been quite a few years since we've visited this picturesque sheet of water. It always reminds me of Scotland, probably because of the Scots Pines I think. Its not very far, the reward is great for so little effort.

This has appeared since we were last here, a relief map of Finsthwaite and High Dam.
Rather well made too!

The Dam at High Dam, we crossed and did a clockwise circuit.

North from the Southern shore, this doesn't show the bitter wind.

East across the tarn to Gummers How, the snow had just caught here as you can see.

Again this boardwalk was new to us! Thank goodness its been provided, it was always very wet across here.

Back lower down out of the wind the sun had some warmth in it, this field was mushy and very slippy.
So there we have it High Dam, worth an hour or two of anyone's time IMHO!


  1. I cannot believe i have never been there. Goes to show that it doesn’t matter how much you have done there is always something you havn’t. Good outing.

    1. Hi Alan
      P's knees limit us to shorter walks these days, but this is a bit of a hidden gem. Suits me that folk rush off to the high fells. I spent over 30 years doing the same!
      1;25000 maps have lots of similar places...I'm a glutton for new paths (to me), although this wasn't one of them!
